In addition to physical growth, we also grow in other ways. We grow socially, emotionally and intellectually.
When we grow intellectually, we slow our interest in learning new things. We can start a hobby as collection of things like stamps, coins, cards, shells and pictures. We learn new skills from other people like playing new games, dancing, sewing, painting, cooking etc. Social growth shows changes in our behavior with other people. We learn that we should be fair and honest with other people. Our friendship also changes with our age. Our arguments with other people, our agreements and disagreements and making up are very important to learn the way to have real and long-lasting friendships. Our disagreement should be without hurting ourselves or other.
Our emotional growth is along with our physical, social and intellectual growth. As we grow we feelings about something. Some time we have strong feelings about someone or some particular behavior of our parents and friends which we never felt ever before.
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