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What Is The Main Parts Of Hair

If we look at our arms or the top of our arms by a magnifying glass a little closer. We see little pits all over the surface with hairs growing out of pits. Each hair grows out of a tiny sac like structure called a hair follicle the main parts of which lie below the surface of our skin. The color of the hairs is due to a matter called pigment in the cells. Lighter hair has less pigment and dark hair has a lot of pigment while white hair has no pigment. The shape of the hair stands determines how to curly or straight our hair is. Hairs are important for us. They keep us warm. Hairs trap a lager of air to our skin. The hairs also bring oil to surface of skin.
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How Has You Grown

In life we pass through different stages of growth. Some people are younger and some are alder than us. There is minute difference from people to people in difference stages of growth.

Prenatal growth:- "Prenatal’ means “before birth” the body of mother, and starts from a tiny fertilized cell. It takes about nine months until we are born. In this stage the growth is faster them any other stage of growth starts from one cell which divides again and again. There are million calls after about two weeks and we still continue grow.
During this stage of growth several changes take place.

Cells-> Tissues-> Organs-> Systems-> Human being cells form tissues which combine to make organs of oar body such as heart, brain, lungs and stomach develop during this stage. Systems are formed by the group of organs which is also formed during this stage of growth.

At the time of birth, we are almost 3 million times bigger, them than the first cell of our body. At the time of birth mostly babies weigh between s e 10 pounds.

Infancy:- The second stays of growth is called Infancy. Infant is another name for baby. This stage starts from the day when we born and it lasts at the age of 2 years.

At this stays the growth is very rapid and involves many changes weight can be increased very rapidly. The weight can be increased three times more than the first day. During this stage our controls on our body increase and we become stronger. We can sit and stand without any half from other person. During infancy we also learn to recognize people and things around us. We also try to understand and recognize sound. People around us try to help us in our emotional development and we require to be cared and to learn to trust people.

Childhood:- This stage starts from 2 year and alerts at 12 years. So, it consists of 10 years. The growth rate at this stage is slow but consistent. Our milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. During this stage physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth takes place. We make friends we help us in our social growth. A sense of responsibility also develops. We learn how to keep ourselves clean by washing our body. We also become conscious about our health. Some of our good habits which develop at this stage help us during our whole life.
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How dose your body control your growth. Types of hormones and glands.

Endocrine System is the system, which controls the way in which most of our cells change and the way. They use nutrients. It also balances the working of our tissues and organs. In other words this system controls our physical growth.

A gland is an organ that makes stores or gives off a certain substance inside the body. Our endocrine system consists of endocrine glands which make hormones. Endocrine glands are located in different parts of the body.

Endocrine glands put their hormones into the circulatory system. Hormones are like chemical messengers who control cells and specific organs in our body. Hormones are carried out by blood to their specific places where they have specific effects.

Thyroid (Thyroid) gland is located in the neck. The hormone which is made by thyroid gland controls the rate at which our cells use energy. This hormone has also the ability to change our weight and the way we fell. Some endocrine glands have the ability to make more than one hormone e.g.: “pituitary gland” which is connected to our brain. This gland can make 15 hormones. One of these hormones is called growth hormones which control the growth of our bones and muscles. It also determines our final height.
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Girls growth in the age of 10 to 12 is faster then boys. How does growing speed up

In our life there is a period in which our growth is very fast. This period is called “growth spurt”. This “Growth Spurt” occurs two times in our life. First time during childhood before we are five years old second time when we enter in adolescence.

In girls “Adolescence Growth Spurt” begins at the age of ten (10) and lasts at the age of 12 (twelve). While in boys “Adolescence Growth Spurt” begins at the age of 12 and lasts at the age of 12. Due to this difference first girls look taller them the boys, but boys in their “Growth Spurt” catch up with most girls in height and many grow taller.
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Types Of Growth, In what other ways will you grow

In addition to physical growth, we also grow in other ways. We grow socially, emotionally and intellectually.

When we grow intellectually, we slow our interest in learning new things. We can start a hobby as collection of things like stamps, coins, cards, shells and pictures. We learn new skills from other people like playing new games, dancing, sewing, painting, cooking etc. Social growth shows changes in our behavior with other people. We learn that we should be fair and honest with other people. Our friendship also changes with our age. Our arguments with other people, our agreements and disagreements and making up are very important to learn the way to have real and long-lasting friendships. Our disagreement should be without hurting ourselves or other.

Our emotional growth is along with our physical, social and intellectual growth. As we grow we feelings about something. Some time we have strong feelings about someone or some particular behavior of our parents and friends which we never felt ever before.
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Role Of Cell Division in the Growth of our body, How does your body cell grow

Cell division plays main role in the growth of our body. Cell division turns on cell into many cells. One cell divides into two cells. These two cells grow to particular size and divide and make four new cells. So, the cells continue to multiply in this way. But the different cells divide at different speeds. The pace of cell division of different cells depends upon their kind and their location in the body. Some cells stop multiplying after a specific time for example bone-cell for our body. Some bone cells like bone cells of middle ear stop multiplying at very young age. Some cells continence to grow after during whole life like our skin cells. Their speed of division is very fast and they grow during all life time period.

Nutrition plays a vital role in the growth of cells. Particular kind of nutrition is necessary for specific type of cells for example milk is very important for the growth of bone cells. Bone cells turn the nutrients into bone matter which help cells to multiply and in turn our bones become stronger
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How can you test your endurance

We can test our endurance with help of a parent, teacher, or Physical Education Teacher. They can help us by timing us when we jog. We also test our cardio respiratory fitness when we test our endurance. We should follow these steps for fitness test.

(i) We should choose a measured track course.

(ii) Secondly, we should warm up for five minutes any sudden strenuous exercise can be dangerous for our heart or any other muscle. A warm up increases the blood flow to the heart. This gets heart ready for strenuous exercise of any kind.

(iii) Thirdly, we should start jogging when the person timing us says ‘Go’. Our speed should not be too slow or too fast. It should be at a steady pace for 20 minutes. If we become too tired and cannot keep jogging, in this case we should try to keep walking quickly.

(iv) After 20 minutes, the person measuring us will need to spot us where we are on the course and he will measure how for we went.

(v) After 20 minutes, we should cool down for 5 minutes by stretching or walking and we should not stop moving. This will help us to ring our heart rate to normal.

The sign of endurance fitness is different for a boy and girl. A sign of endurance grade is jogging 2.9 kilometers in 20 minutes. A sign of endurance fitness for a boy in fifth grade is jogging 3.2 kilometers in 20 minutes.
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How can you test strength in exercise

In young people, the bones in arms and legs are still growing. Trying to lift a heavy weight may harm those bones. So, we should not choose these muscles to test strength it is safer to test the muscles of the abdomen for strength the young people.

The bent-knee curl-up is a useful exercise in this respect and we should follow these steps.

(i) Firstly, we should lie on our back with knees up and place arms across chest and chin should be close to chest.

(ii) A partner will hold feet flat on the floor.

(iii) When partner says, “Go”, curl up in a position as almost sitting. When doing bent-knee exercise be sure to keep hips in contact with testing surface at all times. Touch elbows to thighs. Blow air out as curl-up. This will help to give power for the movement.

(iv) The curl-up will be finished by lowering shoulders to the floor. Breathe in as we do so. This is counted as one curl-up and partner will count curl-ups.

(v) This test will be completed in two minutes. The pace should be same while doing each curl-up correctly.

Doing 35-40 curl-up in two minutes is a sign of muscle- strength fitness for both boys and girls in fifth grade.
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How can you get ready for Exercising

Any sudden strenuous exercise is not good for the heart or any other muscle. A warm-up exercise is necessary because it increases the blood flow to the heart. This gets heart ready for vigorous exercise. So, there is a need to prepare the body in a specific way before exercise. A 5 minute period of easy exercises that prepare body muscles to work hard is called a warm-up exercise. A warm-up exercise is as much necessary for exercise as preparation for a class test before build up little by little, the need that muscles have for oxygen. Slow stretching as a part of warm-up also helps get muscles ready to work. It gets joints moving. One should not try to jerk or bounce while doing worm-up exercise because it can harm muscles. Instead of it move slowly and hold one stretching position for about five to ten seconds. In the same way after hard exercise cool-down is also necessary. Stretching and doing other slow movements for five minutes after vigorous exercise acts as a cool-down. A cool-down is a way to slowly stop exercising. Warm-up exercise can be used for cool-down, but it should be done fewer times as compare to warm-up exercises. It lets muscles slowly relax as heart rate returns to normal and a large amount of blood that has gone into large muscles returns to normal and large muscles returns to the heart. Warm-up and cool-down exercises are necessary to make exercise healthful and safe.
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How can you test your flexibility in exercise

Many adults have back problem because they do not have good flexibility. So, good back to prevent troubles in lover back. It is easy to test flexibility. A partner is needed to help in the test and some equipment is needed as a box and yardstick.
This test follows these steps:-

(i) First of all warm up muscles of leg and back for five minutes.

(ii) Sit on the floor with legs straight and feet flat against the box. The helping person will help to hold the yardstick on the top of the box.

(iii) Place one hand on the top of other. Slowly lean forward and reach as far as one can. Hold position while helper marks the spot at the end of finger. Reaching nine inches or more is a sign of flexibility fitness for both boys and girls. Many machines have also been designed to test strength and flexibility of the body.
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How do your eyes and ears defend you

Our eyes and ears help us to fight against the viral diseases. Microbes cannot enter into our eyes because they are killed by tears. A viral disease, called pinkeye is caused by viruses or bacteria. It spreads from person to person by touching. So, persons with pinkeye should not touch their eyes. These people should visit to the doctors for proper medicine.

Ears also defend us against diseases. Microbes cannot get very for into the ears. The small hairs at the outer canal of ears catch the microbes or they stick to earwax. So, in this way the microbes cannot get into our body through eyes and ears.
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What can you do to defend you body from disease

Resistance is that ability of a body which makes it able to fight against diseases. Our resistance is said to be strong if our defense system against microbes is working well. We should adopt healthy habits to keep our resistance strong. We should take proper sleep. Regular exercise is necessary. Talk with family members and share of feelings with them help us in keeping our resistance strong.

We should wash our hands regularly after toilet, before and after eating something. Washing with soap and warm water kill many microbes. We should take a bath regularly because it reduces the chances of multiplying the fungus.
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What are the signs of Communicable disease

Symptoms are the signs and feelings of a disease. There can be more than one symptom for one disease. Sore throat may be the symptom of influenza or cold.

Symptom of some communicable diseases is fever, sore throat muscle aches, tiredness and headache. Fever is one of the symptoms. Normal body temperature is from 96 to 99.9. If our body is burs in fighting an infection, there might be slight fever. Increase of many kinds of microbes is slowed down by fever.

A high fever may be a symptom of serious infection. High fever can be harmful if it lasts for three or mare than three days. It can cause such a serious harm patient with the help of sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure tells about the general condition of the body.

A doctor knows how heart and lungs should sound. So, he uses the stethoscope to listen the soft sounds of heart and lungs.
Ophthalmoscopes is used to look at patient’s retina through pupil. Its nerves and blood vessels can be seen easily as these are not covered with skin or muscles. Some diseases like diabetes causes changes in never and blood vessels of the patient. To see the infection of throat, the doctor uses a flat piece of wood or steel to push the tongue down.

Our lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes have the ability to destroy or kill the disease microbes. Lymph nodes are small glands where certain types of white blood cells are made. In case of any infection, the lymph nodes swell. Doctors check the lymph nodes by touching under arms, lower abdomen and both sides of the neck. Finally doctor may send sample of blood and urine to the avocatory for test. Both samples are checked under microscope to see white blood cells in them.
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How Can Childhood disease are prevented

Chicken pox, measles and mumps are viral diseases. In chicken pox a person gets a certain kind of rash. These red spots turn into crustily bumps after becoming blisters.

Measles cause small red spots and member cause swollen glands in the face.

These three diseases are also called childhood diseases. These diseases can be coughing and sneezing. In ancient times, almost all children caught them.

The people who are immunes to these diseases do get these diseases only one time. Scientists work day and night to discover methods to prevent these diseases prom spreading.

Nowadays vaccines are available for these diseases. Mumps and measles are not very common among young people, but chicken pox is very common among them.
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How does your blood fight off disease

The second defense system of our body is blood. Our ears, eyes, nose and mouth cannot stop all harmful microbes and they can enter into our blood.

White Blood Cells (WBC) and other parts of blood are sensitive for disease microbes and so move rapidly towards microbes WBC have the ability to the harmful microbes and to prevent them from spreading infection in other body parts. WBC surrounds the microbes by changing their shapes. WBC makes a substance called “Antibodies” which help them in killing microbes by sticking to microbes. Specific antibodies are used for particular microbes. Antibodies stay in our blood and protect us from getting the same disease. This is called “Immunity”.

Different “Antibodies” live in our body for different time periods. Some stay for the while life while others for short span of time.
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Tissues are defined as a group of cells associated together and performing a common function. Tissues are further divided into different types depending upon their functions or morphology. Each kind of body tissues has its own job to do that no other kind of tissue does. So, each kind of tissue is special. Tissues are divided into four types.
Epithelial Tissues: These are found as outer most layer of an organ, or as lining of body invaginations and tubular parts.
Connective Tissues: This is composed of semi fluid matrix containing a variety of cells and fibers. These are supporting tissues.
Muscle Tissues: This tissue is composed of contractile cells or fibers. They have the ability to contract and relax.
Nerve Tissues: It is composed of nerve cells which are called neurons. These produce nerve impulse to conduct messages.

body systems

Groups of specialized cells form tissues. Different tissues form organs. Groups of tissues working together to do a job form body parts are called organs. They have their own jobs to do Ear, heart, brain, eyes and tongue. An ear organ is made for hearing and balance. Brain monitors the whole body. Heart controls the circulatory system of the body and pumps the blood into the whole parts of the body. Eyes are sensitive to light and do the function of seeing different things in the world. So, different organs of the body perform different functions.

What are your cells

Cell is the smallest part of living beings. The body is made up of millions of tiny cells. These are the building blocks of the body. A single is too small to be seen with a naked eye. A microscope is needed to see the single cell. There are different kinds of cell. Cells differ in their shapes and functions. For example, skin cells, muscles are made up of muscle cells, bones, teeth, and mails are made up of different jobs. Cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm are the basic parts of the cell.

The five CRITICAL things to do for your health and weight loss

I’m often asked what is the best diet, or the best food
program, best exercise program and which single best book to
recommend to improve your health, fitness or weight loss.

The answer is that there is no best way to do it. There is
no best book, and there is no right way or wrong way to do it.

The 5 Critical things you must do to achieve your health are

1. Continue to learn about health, fitness, nutrition and
weight loss from a wide variety of sources

The single most important thing to do right from the start is
to take action and begin learning about health, followed very
closely by putting what you learn into practice. We are a
very diversified bunch of people and what works for you may
not work for the next person. You have to find what works for
you from a wide variety of sources, expand your knowledge and
accept no one thing as being the best for your health. Keep
reading, keep learning and keep what works for you and discard
what doesn’t.

Knowledge isn’t power, but “knowledge in action is power!”

Some very simple things to keep in mind is that the body runs
on food and if you give it the best quality food, in whatever
manor that happens to be, then you’ll probably get some good
results in general. Keep the nutrition to a maximum by eating
as close to nature as possible, organic where possible and
eliminating processed foods and trans fats.

2. Find a mentor.

Someone who’s been there, done that and that you can model .

I realized at quite an early age that if we can model someone
who’s been there and done that and gotten results, then you
can “cut to the chase” as it were to find out what works for
your health and weight loss - what doesn’t and in doing so get
results faster.

Find a mentor, a role model for the things that you’re looking
for. If it’s weight loss or to improve your health, find
someone who’s walked in your footsteps and knows what you’re
going through. Model them. Do what they did, repeat their
process and contact them to ask what worked and what didn’t.
You can save yourself a lot of time and effort by doing what
works and skipping what doesn’t.

3. Apply the knowledge you learn about health on a daily

This is where the taking action part comes in. You must begin
to apply the knowledge you’ve gained from what you’ve read
about health or watched and by talking with people who’ve been
there before you. If you do not put it into practice then
you’ve become an information junkie and not someone who
follows through on their knowledge. You must begin to work
the principles you’ve learned on a daily basis and keep at it.
Without the trial and error, you get nowhere fast and won’t
truly know what works and what doesn’t.

4. Repeat steps one, two and three

Remember, there is no right way or wrong way to lose weight,
improve your health or get what you want. You must continue
to learn and challenge what you’ve read. I’m told that what I
teach is wrong and I ask what were your results when you tried
it? Well, they didn’t try it and so I then ask “what right do
you have to tell me what I teach is wrong”. It may have
worked for me or for many people I coach including yourself,
but without trying it and challenging it, you won’t ever know.

Keep learning about health, keep reading, keep applying what
you’ve read and this new knowledge. Begin the process of
filtering for yourself what will and won’t work for you.
Remember this is about you, not me or the other guy, but what
will help you achieve your weight loss goals or your health.
This may very well be about applying certain fitness
principles that sound so controversy that you figure they
can’t possibly work. One of my favorite sayings is “believe
nothing I say, but I challenge you to prove me wrong”. My
intent is to have you try it.

When I first begun my journey to lose 300 pounds, I read one
book and I preached the principles like they were the gospel.
I was finally told to “shut up” and read something else, so I
took it upon myself to learn whatever I could about health and
weight loss. I began to apply my new knowledge daily, found
people who had used the info before and what they believed
about it, what worked for them for their health and then
discovered for myself what worked.

Finally, I discovered the ultimate secret to health and weight

5. Never give up.

It never ends. In the large scope of your life, the next 30,
40, 50 or more years, what is a few days if you happen to get
off track. Get right back on doing what you were doing, keep
learning, keep trying new things, go back to what worked when
it was working and keep up with your daily fitness routine.
Probably the single most important fact about exercise or
fitness is that our body is designed to move and we’ve gotten
away from that. We must do something on a daily basis to
exercise our body.

Never give up. Never lose sight of the health you want and
keep working towards your goal.

Am I Gaining The Freshman Fifteen?

If you have ever found yourself pondering this question, you are not alone. Millions of freshmen across the nation struggle with weight gain each year as they adjust to college life, and quite often this weight gain comes as an unpleasant surprise as they return home and step on the scale at Thanksgiving or Christmas. So in this time when college weight gain has become almost as inevitable as term end finals how do you, the college student, know if you are gaining the freshman fifteen?

1. Have the contents of your diet changed since entering college?
Calorie laden cafeteria food, greasy fast food, and cheesy pizzas often become staples in the diet of a college student. When you lived at home chances are that your parents served well-balanced, nutritious meals. Once arriving at college, however, your diet can skyrocket in extra fat and calories resulting in weight gain.

2. Have you been eating more since entering college?
Buffet style cafeterias and late night snacks increase the total calories that you eat each day. When you consider the fact that one pound equals 3,500 calories, and extra 500 calories each day will be an extra pound gained each week.

3. Has your activity level decreased since entering college?
Hectic class schedules, part time jobs, and social activities often dominate your days, leaving no time for the gym. You may have played on a sports team in High School or participated in some other organized activity that now has no place in your schedule. This decrease in activity will end up showing around your waistline.

Did you answer yes to one or more of the above questions? If so, then chances are that you are on your way to gaining the Freshman Fifteen. But wait! You don’t have to follow in the footsteps of the millions of college freshmen who gain this unwanted weight each year. By making yourself aware of the causes of this traditional weight gain you have already won half of the battle.

To ensure that you don’t gain extra weight, take control of your eating habits by eating nutritional, well-balanced meals and exercise regularly.

Do you want to be thinner, healthy and fit?

Here's what to eat:

1. Lots of vegetables and fruits

2. Increase healthy protein intake. This is how you build lean muscle tissue, which in turn speeds up your metabolism. Examples are fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, beans, and soy products.

3. Fiber-Rich foods. They will fill up and they make they are satisfying. In this category are: peas, beans, bran cereals, potato skins, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, bulger wheat, 100% whole wheat baked goods, fruits and vegetables.

4. Minerals. Calcium and other minerals are you "secret weapons" against body fat. They are found in low-fat dairy products, small or canned fish, soy tofu, green vegetables, nuts, seeds, bran cereals, and calcium fortified orange juice, and avoid processed, salt-loaded foods.

5. Eat fish and beneficial fats. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid in some fish, oils and nuts is a good fat. Eat moderate amounts of salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and other oily fish. Soybeans, nuts, pumpkin seed are also excellent sources for Omega-3.

6. Reduce harmful fats - saturated and trans fats. These are not only high in calories; they are also loaded with harmful fatty acids that cause disease.

7. Always eat an adequate breakfast for several reasons: it will speed up your metabolism earlier in the day and when you skip breakfast, it makes it harder to control your appetite later in the day.

8. Cut back or eliminate alcohol. It is high in non-filling calories. Ideal consumption is one glass of beer or wine a day.

9. Stay away from junk carbohydrates - sugar and white flour are diet killers in all but the smallest amounts.

10. Gradually reduce your calorie intake because extreme and sudden dieting causes your body to conserve, not burn calories, and it slows fat loss.

11. Snack instead of eating large meals - larger, higher calorie meals tend to be stored as fat, instead of burned for energy. Ideally, you should eat five or six smaller, nutritious snacks each day instead of large meals.

12. Move! You must exercise to build lean tissue that burns fat. As little as two to three hours per week of brisk walking at minimum, and you will notice a major impact on your weight loss.

13. Reduce stress. It produces adverse fat-producing chemistry in your body. Try warm baths, meditation, deep breathing, stretching, massage, prayer and rest.

14. Get outside into the sunshine at lest 20 minutes per day - the vitamin D you get from sunshine works with calcium for health and body fat control.