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What Is The Main Parts Of Hair

If we look at our arms or the top of our arms by a magnifying glass a little closer. We see little pits all over the surface with hairs growing out of pits. Each hair grows out of a tiny sac like structure called a hair follicle the main parts of which lie below the surface of our skin. The color of the hairs is due to a matter called pigment in the cells. Lighter hair has less pigment and dark hair has a lot of pigment while white hair has no pigment. The shape of the hair stands determines how to curly or straight our hair is. Hairs are important for us. They keep us warm. Hairs trap a lager of air to our skin. The hairs also bring oil to surface of skin.
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How Has You Grown

In life we pass through different stages of growth. Some people are younger and some are alder than us. There is minute difference from people to people in difference stages of growth.

Prenatal growth:- "Prenatal’ means “before birth” the body of mother, and starts from a tiny fertilized cell. It takes about nine months until we are born. In this stage the growth is faster them any other stage of growth starts from one cell which divides again and again. There are million calls after about two weeks and we still continue grow.
During this stage of growth several changes take place.

Cells-> Tissues-> Organs-> Systems-> Human being cells form tissues which combine to make organs of oar body such as heart, brain, lungs and stomach develop during this stage. Systems are formed by the group of organs which is also formed during this stage of growth.

At the time of birth, we are almost 3 million times bigger, them than the first cell of our body. At the time of birth mostly babies weigh between s e 10 pounds.

Infancy:- The second stays of growth is called Infancy. Infant is another name for baby. This stage starts from the day when we born and it lasts at the age of 2 years.

At this stays the growth is very rapid and involves many changes weight can be increased very rapidly. The weight can be increased three times more than the first day. During this stage our controls on our body increase and we become stronger. We can sit and stand without any half from other person. During infancy we also learn to recognize people and things around us. We also try to understand and recognize sound. People around us try to help us in our emotional development and we require to be cared and to learn to trust people.

Childhood:- This stage starts from 2 year and alerts at 12 years. So, it consists of 10 years. The growth rate at this stage is slow but consistent. Our milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. During this stage physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth takes place. We make friends we help us in our social growth. A sense of responsibility also develops. We learn how to keep ourselves clean by washing our body. We also become conscious about our health. Some of our good habits which develop at this stage help us during our whole life.
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How dose your body control your growth. Types of hormones and glands.

Endocrine System is the system, which controls the way in which most of our cells change and the way. They use nutrients. It also balances the working of our tissues and organs. In other words this system controls our physical growth.

A gland is an organ that makes stores or gives off a certain substance inside the body. Our endocrine system consists of endocrine glands which make hormones. Endocrine glands are located in different parts of the body.

Endocrine glands put their hormones into the circulatory system. Hormones are like chemical messengers who control cells and specific organs in our body. Hormones are carried out by blood to their specific places where they have specific effects.

Thyroid (Thyroid) gland is located in the neck. The hormone which is made by thyroid gland controls the rate at which our cells use energy. This hormone has also the ability to change our weight and the way we fell. Some endocrine glands have the ability to make more than one hormone e.g.: “pituitary gland” which is connected to our brain. This gland can make 15 hormones. One of these hormones is called growth hormones which control the growth of our bones and muscles. It also determines our final height.
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Girls growth in the age of 10 to 12 is faster then boys. How does growing speed up

In our life there is a period in which our growth is very fast. This period is called “growth spurt”. This “Growth Spurt” occurs two times in our life. First time during childhood before we are five years old second time when we enter in adolescence.

In girls “Adolescence Growth Spurt” begins at the age of ten (10) and lasts at the age of 12 (twelve). While in boys “Adolescence Growth Spurt” begins at the age of 12 and lasts at the age of 12. Due to this difference first girls look taller them the boys, but boys in their “Growth Spurt” catch up with most girls in height and many grow taller.
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Types Of Growth, In what other ways will you grow

In addition to physical growth, we also grow in other ways. We grow socially, emotionally and intellectually.

When we grow intellectually, we slow our interest in learning new things. We can start a hobby as collection of things like stamps, coins, cards, shells and pictures. We learn new skills from other people like playing new games, dancing, sewing, painting, cooking etc. Social growth shows changes in our behavior with other people. We learn that we should be fair and honest with other people. Our friendship also changes with our age. Our arguments with other people, our agreements and disagreements and making up are very important to learn the way to have real and long-lasting friendships. Our disagreement should be without hurting ourselves or other.

Our emotional growth is along with our physical, social and intellectual growth. As we grow we feelings about something. Some time we have strong feelings about someone or some particular behavior of our parents and friends which we never felt ever before.
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Role Of Cell Division in the Growth of our body, How does your body cell grow

Cell division plays main role in the growth of our body. Cell division turns on cell into many cells. One cell divides into two cells. These two cells grow to particular size and divide and make four new cells. So, the cells continue to multiply in this way. But the different cells divide at different speeds. The pace of cell division of different cells depends upon their kind and their location in the body. Some cells stop multiplying after a specific time for example bone-cell for our body. Some bone cells like bone cells of middle ear stop multiplying at very young age. Some cells continence to grow after during whole life like our skin cells. Their speed of division is very fast and they grow during all life time period.

Nutrition plays a vital role in the growth of cells. Particular kind of nutrition is necessary for specific type of cells for example milk is very important for the growth of bone cells. Bone cells turn the nutrients into bone matter which help cells to multiply and in turn our bones become stronger
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